I spent about 2 weeks in Kariya, Japan in June 2005 visiting Eton when he was there for work training for 4 weeks. We went to Nagoya a couple of times and we also spent a weekend in Osaka. Eton had his birthday in Kariya - keke... that's the main reason why Vivian was visiting. Although Eton was at work most of the time (long working hours too) but I still found the time there very enjoyable. I just loved browsing around during the day and did a few short trips to the towns closeby on my own.

Friday, 9 March 2007

Eton's birthday

Eton生日當天是星期五, 我等他放工以後, 一起去了這間日本料理吃晚餐. 跟著我們便回家了.

Eton 收到生日禮物好開心, 急不及待地拆開它. 係好別緻的生日蛋糕. 我在apita行街時買的.

We were sitting on the stairs of the bunk bed.

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About Me

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小霏霏終於出世了! DOB: 24/07/2007 Place of Birth: Mercy Hospital for Women, Birth Suite 2, Heidelberg, Melbourne Time of Birth: 2:12 am Weight: 2.85 kg (6.28 lb) Length: 48 cm Head circumference: 34 cm